Can Dogs Have Sauerkraut?
Yes, dogs can have sauerkraut in small amounts, but with some important things to note:
1. Fermentation and Probiotics
Sauerkraut is fermented, containing probiotics that are friendly to gut health. These probiotics might be helpful for dogs and have some beneficial effects on digestion, especially for those prone to gastrointestinal problems. In such cases, it is recommended to introduce this food gradually into your dog's diet to prevent stomach upset.
2. Salt Content
But with respect to sauerkraut, the consumption of salt may be one huge issue. Commercially available sauerkrauts have tremendous amounts of salt, which could be toxic to your dogs once ingested due to sodium poisoning. The symptoms that are associated with the over-consumption of salts include excessive thirst, urination, and the worst being renal impairment. Alright, fine-unsalted varieties or a homemade version very low on salt is pretty safe if shared with your furry companion in controlled amounts.
3. Spices and Additives
Most commercial types of sauerkraut have added ingredients such as garlic, onions, or spices, which are harmful to dogs. Garlic and onions are known to cause serious health issues in dogs due to the destruction of their red blood cells. Always check the ingredients and avoid those that contain toxic additives before giving your dog sauerkraut.
4. Portion Size
Sauerkraut is fibrous and somewhat acidic, so it should be given in moderation. Too much can give your dog gas, bloat, or diarrhea.
How to Feed Sauerkraut to Your Dog:
Homemade and plain
If you make homemade sauerkraut, use very little or no salt and add no garlic, onions, or other seasonings.
Small portions
Just a little on the spoon, first, to see how it sits with your dog. If he tolerates it well, it can be a rare treat or digestive supplement.
Sauerkraut may be safe for dogs in small amounts but preferably homemade, without salt, garlic, and onions. Always to be given in small portions, observing the animal for any signs of gastrointestinal upset. If one is unsure whether sauerkraut is a good fit for a dog, then always consult with a vet.