Can Dogs Have Avocado?
It is a little more nuanced to answer whether dogs can have avocado or not, seeing as avocado is not completely toxic to them. Nevertheless, there are several other risks involved.
1. The Persin Issue
Avocados do contain a toxic substance called persin, which can be fatal to certain animals such as birds and big animals like cattle or horses. However, fortunately, dogs have relatively higher tolerance for persin compared to other animals. However, in significant numbers, the persin may lead to stomach discomfort such as vomiting or diarrhea in some dogs, so moderation must be considered.
2. The Pit and Skin
Avocado pit or seed and skin are toxic to dogs. It may block your dog's digestive system, which is life-threatening. It's tough for the dogs to breakdown because it is very hard; hence, it can be dangerous if swallowed. Skin is not toxic but can also be difficult for dogs to digest and might create stomach upset.
3. High Fat Content
Being fruits high in fat, that means they are calorie-dense. While the fat in avocado is mostly healthy monounsaturated fat, overfeeding your dog with too much avocado can lead to weight gain and digestive problems. It's important to give them in moderation and as a rare treat.
4. How to Safely Serve Avocado
If you plan to share avocado with your dog, the best approach is giving them small amounts of the flesh-the soft green part-minus the pit, skin, or any seasonings. A few small pieces now and then are generally safe, but don't make it a regular part of their diet.
5. Signs of Trouble
Yes, if there is too much avocado intake, your dogs may start to develop certain gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting, diarrhea, and even stomach pain. If all these symptoms persist after ingestion of avocado, then contacting the vet would be recommended.
Avocado can be safe for dogs in small amounts and as an occasional treat, but the pit and skin should always be avoided. If you’re unsure whether to introduce avocado into your dog’s diet, or if your dog has a history of digestive issues, it’s always best to consult your veterinarian first.